Friday, May 16, 2008
My Storys Prolouge
Temporarily Unavailable Sorry For The Inconvenience
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My Best Friend
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Mum
Midnighters 2 Touching Darkness

Monday, May 5, 2008
Biker In Mid Air Story
Saturday, April 26, 2008
What I Want As A 14 Year Older
What I Want As A 14 Year Older Is:
- To be a chef when i get older
- To invent a new type of food eg fish and chips or chinese
- A nice piece of milk, preferably one starting with E - this is a drewonal one thats why it doesnt make sense, if you dont know what drewonal means check out my made up words
- To be 15 so i can drive
- To keep my friends forever
- To expand/recreate my vocabulary
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Midnighters 1 The Secret Hour

Not last week but the week before on thursday i started to read a book called midnighters 1 the secret hour and it was such a good book i finished it on saturday (it has 383 pages). Heres the blurb:
strange things happen at midnight in the town of Bixby, Oklahoma.
time freezes. nobody moves.
For one secret hour each night, the town belongs to the dark creatures that haunt the shadows. Only a small group of teenagers know about the secret hour-only they are free to move about the midnight time.
They call themselves Midnighters.
Then Jessica Day moves to town. . . and everything changes.
The background of the story is that in the town of Bixby in Oklahoma there is a secret hour that only a very few people that are born at the exact time of midnight can access and get special powers during it. The storyline of the book is about a girl called Jessica Day who just happens to have been born at midnight and moves to bixby then meets with four other people who were also born at midnight and they call themselves midnighters and her quest to find out her power and why she is being attacked by darklings. The other four are Rex who is able see midnight stuff that other people cant and he needs galsses in real time but not in the secret hour, Dez who is a polymath which is like a genius with math and words pretty much, Melissa who is a sort of physcic that can taste thoughts and cant touch anyone, and Jonathon who is an acrobat which means his body weight changes during the secret hour so it isnt affected by gravity but not enough that he floats into space.
I really realy enjoyed this book and highly recommend it and cant wait to get the next two in the series from the library.
Prefix Blog
- Subdivide
- Subject
- Submerge
- Submission
- Submissive
- Subordinate
- Subsequent
- Substitute
- Subversive
- Subway
- Transactionn
- Transfigure
- Transfuse
- Transgress
- Transient
- Transitory
- Translate
- Transmigrate
- Transmit
- Transparent
- Transpose
- Transverse
And what do you know i have just done that
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wikipedias explanation: A 'spoonerism' is a play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched (see metathesis). It is named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who was notoriously prone to this tendency.
While spoonerisms are commonly heard as slips of the tongue resulting from unintentionally getting one's words in a tangle, they are considered a form of pun when used purposely as a play on words.
Examples on Wikipedia:
"The Lord is a shoving leopard" ("loving shepherd")
"It is kisstomary to cuss the bride" ("customary to kiss")
"Mardon me, padam, this pie is occupewed. Can I sew you to another sheet?" (Pardon me, madam, this pew is occupied. Can I show you to another seat?")
To a student: "You have hissed all my mystery lectures, and were caught fighting a liar in the quad. Having tasted two worms, you will leave by the next town drain" ("missed ... history," "lighting a fire," "wasted two terms," "down train")
To a lady at a college reception: "You'll soon be had as a matter of course" ("mad as a Hatter, of course")
"Let us glaze our asses to the queer old Dean" ("Let us raise our glasses to the dear old queen")
"We'll have the hags flung out" ("flags hung")
"a half-warmed fish" ("half-formed wish")
"Is the bean dizzy?" ("dean busy")
"Go and shake a tower" ("take a shower")
"a well-boiled icicle" ("well-oiled bicycle")
This was also on wikipedia thought would be good to share:Spoonerisms in Dutch are made in the same manner as in English. Examples:
met vereende krachten ("with joined forces") → met verkrachte eenden ("with raped ducks")
tot de dood ons scheidt ("until death do us part") → tot de schijt ons doodt ("until the shit kills us")
ik heb het onderspit gedolven ("I suffered a defeat") → ik heb den Dolf ondergespit ("I have buried Adolf")
een beetje scheef ("a bit crooked") → een scheetje~ beef ("a fart-quiver")
Ta Da
My Baked Beans Recipe

I have liked baked beans for ages becuase they take a minute and a bit to cook and i like the taste so they are an awesome after school snack. I eat my baked beans differently to other people though, no not through a straw, with cheese. Last year i was getting bored with normal baked beans so i thought i would put cheese on top before i cooked it in the microwave and it tasted awesome and recently i got the idea of putting a bit of butter in it which worked really well because you cant traste the butter but it makes the tomato sauce much nicer, sort of creamier ish but without cream if that makes sense. Heres the recipe:
I get a tin of baked beans (usually watties) pour it into a bowl then add a dollop of butter then cover the top in cheese then put in microwave for a minute twenty.
Its very important to make sure the bowl is covered or the beans will explode.
Usually i cover my beans in cheese so that i cant see any sauce but if you want more or less thats up to you but if you add more microwave for longer so it all melts.
People Say Blogging Is Hard
You dont have to write something personal like the seamus (yes 'the' seamus, i refer to him as a seperate species not a person) and his thoughts about love but you could easily write about your thoghts about something else like a sport or a colour or something. Or you could do something really cheap like moobs has done and copyed and pasted something into a blog and left tiny comments about it.
You could also do something easy like a recipe or book/movie review etc
Its really not hard to write a blog instead of thinking of it as homework think of it as diary just less personal, and you have to watch out for stalkers.
I sit down to write something like an essay or blog entry and i just cant think of anything properly for ages and then all of a sudden i get one really good idea and i can just sit and write/type about that one thing forever but unless i get that one idea i wont be able to write anything. The thing is when get this idea i have already thought of a paragraph about it by the next time i blink.
My Awesome Yesterday
It started of like a normal saturday, wakeing up at 7 30 to go to archery. As usual i slept in and it was actuall 7 53 and my dad was already ready to go so i had 3 minutes to get ready before we left. We got into the car and started to go to the north shore archery club where i do archery every saturday morning and have been doing for about 2 years now. t usually takes about an hour to get there but i dont mind as i can just zone out to my music in the backseat of the car and stare out the window.
After about an hour i arrive at the archery club did the archery stuff then got pickep up by my mate and we went to the movies and saw the spiderwick chronicles which was a really really cool movie but its the sorta thing that i would like and you probably wouldnt.
After the movie my mate dropped me off home again at about 4 30 and then when i got home my dad was asleep so i played with the lego with my little sister for awhile and i made a really awesome aeroplane, it has wings. When dad woke up at about 6 ish he asked if we wanted to go for a swim at waiwera and we both said yes so we grapped our toggs and went to waiwera. It was my sisiters first time so she was really excited and went into every pool within 5 minutes then we swum around in the big pool for awhile then we went on the slides and she thought they are so cool.
We left waiwera at about 7 30 ish and we got fish and chips on the way home which was awesome. After dinner i was really tired so i went to bed and watched tv for awhile then slept and had a awesome dream about walking, yes walking.
That was my awesome yesterday
Monday, April 7, 2008
Teh Zoo
Monday, March 31, 2008
My CC Essay
Chinese Cinderella Essay
In this essay I will define three major parts of when Adeline was taken to the boarding school and left there while the rest of her family fled from the Japanese invasion to Hong Kong. These events helped me understand how worthless she was to the rest of her family and how far they would go to be rid of her.
The first things for me that emphasised how unwanted and unloved she was was when her father said he didn’t even know her name. “A pang went through me. I meant so little to him, I was such a nobody he didn’t even remember my name”
The fact that her own father didn’t even know her name showed how little she was cared about and made me feel her disappointment.
Another important thing was when Adelines father didn’t actually know her date of birth. “’Give me your date of birth’ ‘I’m afraid I don’t know’… I counted for so little that my birthday was never remembered” This comment made me feel very sorry for Adeline that she was so uncared for that she didn’t even have a birthday.
The event that showed me the most how much she was despised by her family was when she stood at the door of the boarding school and watched them leave. This really made me feel her feelings of loneliness and being unwanted. “I watched the tail lights of fathers car disappear and an awful loneliness sank in. They had tossed me aside like a piece of garbage”
I conclude that Adeline being taken to the boarding school really helped me to understand what her childhood would have been like and has also helped me respect her for being able to go through all of it.
Ta Da
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Soap Box, My Two Crashes
Then it was my turn. I was quite nervous as i had never been in the kart before but i got in anyway and waited for Mr Watts to say go. I started going down the hill slowly to start with but it got much faster very quickly and in about 10 seconds the kart had the speed wobbles and i could feel the adrenaline all through my body.
At about two thirds of the way down the kart started to go across the white centre line in the middle of the road then i saw a little blue thing on the white line and i saw that the wheel was about to hit it so i steered away from it but that turned the kart to the barrier wall so i quickly turned sharply in the other direction and oversteered the kart across the road over the curb through somebodys garden (just missing a concrete letterbox) then across a driveway then through two of the neighbours bushes and straight through a tree then rolled to a stop on the tree owners front lawn.
About 3 seconds after i crahed 5 kids came flying out of house saying a mix of things like "Wow are you ok" and "What are you doing in my garden!" and i even had a little boy who asked if i was dead.
Then Mr Watts and the rest of the team came running down the hill after me. Mr Watts was the only one who asked if was ok the rest were laughing or swearing about the damage to the kart.After my crash we took the kart back up the hill nad loaded it into Mr Watts ruck cause we wouldnt be able to drive it again that night.
The next morning i went to the soapbox thing at 7 in the morning to try help fix my damages when the races started at 8 30.It only took about half an hour to fix the damage i caused but then we still had to make final preperations and double checkings etc.
Our first race was with Reon the year 7 and he had two races and won both of them which was a good lead for us. Then our second race was with Kristopher who lost but it was ok we still had more wins then losses then the next race was Sheas and he won it for us but it wasnt really hard for him as in the first three seconds his opposition drove up over the curb and onto the foot path.
Then it was my race Dunn Dunn Dunn. This time i was really scared because the only other time i rode it i crashed it but that didnt put me off enough to not do it.
The big man stood there counting down "3,2,1 Go!" The stand went down and my kart started going down the hill. everything was going awesome i was loving it then there was the finish line which i flew past and as soon as i did i slammed my foot on the brakes causing a screeching noise below me the kart was just starting to slow down when i heard a thud as the brake bad hit the roof of the kart. Oh no i have no brakes i thought to myself so i just thought id try let it roll to a stop and not crash. Then i realised there were hay bales at the bottom and i didnt realise they were there to crash into to make you stop safely so i tryed to dodge them (Oops) i got passed three then i turned very hard to doge the fourth (stupid stupid bubbles) which caused me to go off the road, past the footpath and into the fuel tank of a big worker truck used to take the karts back up the hill. After i crashed i slowly stood up out of the kart and was actually shaking from adrenaline and to my absolute surprise the thing that hurt the most were my fingernails.
As i got out three workers down there who lifted up the karts onto the truck i crashed into ran over to me and one asked how i was while the other two checked the truck, then i had two saint johns ambulance people come over to check that i was ok, i just said i had sore fingernails. Then i started walking back up the hill and met up with Moobs and Shea, Moobs was making sure i was ok then laughing that it was the second time i drove it and the second time i crashed while Shea was just swearing at me over the huge dent in the front of the kart.
Then i went to the top of the hill and helped fix it(while fixing we found the broken brake cable which made me crash which i get to keep as souveneir) then we did the next race, to my surprise as i thought was un fixable.
Then the rest of the day happened and i went home, i got to keep one of the broken wheels aswell.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My Ooosome Walk
I was meant to be doing work on the soapbox kart after school and picked up at five but i went to the soapbox room and nobody was there so i pulled out my phone to ring my mum to come and get me and but the battery was dead. I decided i could either sit on the footpath and wait for my mum for two hours, having nothing to do and no way to tell time or i could walk home.
I decided to walk and to my surprise i really enjoyed it. Usually i would have loathed walking home from school especially as the sun was burning my face and neck and i had to wear the big clumpy black school shoes but for some reason i was in a very good mood, could be from the sleep i had in science.
Most people probably dont believe i could fall asleep in science especially with mrs hoogle squagens painfully high voice constantly talking but i know i did because i actually had a dream about me walking through a field of red and white flowers.
Anyway i was staring at the footpath as i walked almost the whole way to manly, then i realised concrete is really really boring so i started to look around me at all the beautiful trees and plants which was quite fascinating. Then i walked past a beach and thought we are really lucky to live in a country where its about 5 to 10 minutes for most people to a beach unlike in some countrys where some people never see a beach in thier whole lives.
Awhile after i past manly a monarch butterlfy came and landed on my arm which i thought was really cool because i like butterflys, they are so colourful i find them really fascinating.
Then when i got home i checked the time it was about quarter to five then i just crashed onto my bed and the next thing i know it was half past seven and my legs hurt.
My Easter
Then i went with my dad to get an icecream in orewa.
That was my easter.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Random Wobbly Letters
Wait i just thought i should stop calling these things wobbly letter things and make up a new name for them so i need to update my made up words blog. Be back in a minute.
Ok i have the new word now, it is lomby.
As i was saying today i have came across two very interesting lombys, one of them was xacty which i turned into a synonym for apple and the other was itewpewp
You have to be a bit childish to get the second one so i found this hilarious
Merry Easter to Everyone
My Url
Memo To Myself For Future
But life goes on, there is no point crying over spilt fish and there is always more milk in the fridge
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
My Tawe Test Story
So here is my story
"We need to fly to a boat that has capsized in a storm" said Bert
"Ok, lets go" said Spud the helicopter
Fnyar i really cant be bothered writing the rest of my story up here so ill just summarise it for you its about someone called Bert and someone called Jeff who fly in a hellicopper to save some people from a storm, they go and save them then they all live happily ever after. Pretty cool aye.
Now im starting to think that i should have called Jeff Ernie instead of Jeff cause Ernie is such an ooosome name. Wow wait a second i just remembered another word i made up last year, oh my gosh i cant believe i forgot about the word ooosome i have to update my other blog right now!
Ok i have just updated my made up words blog i am back to finish this one now. As i was saying/typing i think Ernie is a way ooosomer name then Jeff and also if I had called him Ernie it would be Bert and Ernie! If you dont know who Bert and Ernie you should be ashamed of yourself they are super ooosome Ernie even has his own song il post a youtube of it so you can see just how totally ooosome he really is (the video my not work because i dont know exactly what im doing im still trying all this computer stuff out)
Also if you liked this another awesome person is the cookie monster. He also has his own ooosome song which is called c is for cookie.
Net Safety Video
If this looks familiar it is because i just copied and pasted it from lukes one.
Its not that i dont care about being safe on the net, i really really do and agree with everything luke wrote but its just so much easier to copy and paste his one. (and i fixed his spelling mistake, the we at start had two es, which makes mine better)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Templates Part 2
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My Ooosome Words
Over time i have made up quite a few words, some by myself and some with help from friends. I thought i would use this blog to share my new words with everyone.
My words are:
Phqlalm, pronounced flalm (silent q cause q is cool as), Phqlalm is a word used when you cant think of any other word or cant be bothered with a different word. eg someone says "Hows it going" you can just say phqalm. It is a very nifty word which i use very often.
Fnyar, pronounced Fi-nya, Fnyar is very similar to Phqlalm (if you looked in a thesaurus it would be next to Phqalm, except they both wouldnt be there as i made them both up). Fnyar is probably my favourite word at the moment but there are definitley going to be more soon.
Squidgle, pronounced Squid-jill, Squidgle is a very handy word it means please could you squidge out of the way so i can get past. I have used this word quite a lot but nobody seems to move.
My friend Mitchel has also made a couple of words his words are Narf and Splinch, they arent as good as my words but they are still pretty cool.
Narf, pronounced narf, im not really sure of the meaning of the word narf but i still use it a lot. You will have to clarify with Mitchel the meaing of narf.
Splinch, pronounced splin-ch, splinch is a word used to describe a random body part. eg ow you hurt my splinch!!
These are me and Mitchels awesome words i will continue to update this blog entry as we make new ones but until then have fun using these ones.
Today with the help of my class mate Luke i have a new word it is Blozzle.
Blozzle, pronounced Bloz-zil, This word doesnt have a meaning yet but me and luke both think was a good word so we made it up, if anybody has an idea for a meaning please leave a comment and tell me. This is a very urgent matter.
Even though its not a made up word i think you should know about lukes nickname for our science teacher-Mrs Hoogle Squagen-dunno why he called her that but lots of people use the name.
Also i just remembered i forgot to put a word that me and mitchell made up awhile ago into my list, the word is Tribogonal.
Tribogonal, pronounced try-bog-o-nil, this word actually has three meanings. the first one is a word to use if you ever see very demented and unrecognisible shape you can just call it a tribogonal. the second is the name of an thai/indian food type that we made up aswell. the third is the name of a game like monopoly, the only difference is i always get to be the shoe.
I just remembered another word by using it while writing in a different blog, the word is Ooosome.
Ooosome, pronounced ooo-sum, i made this as another describing word its like awesome but three times as good thats why its got three os. Another really nifty word.
On friday the whole class went to the beach as a reward for bringing thier pe gear and i used my towel as a cape to become a superhero and i didnt have a name so Luke suggested i be called "The Blozzle" and i thought the name was awesome and now i hvae a meaning for the word without a meaning hooray. Then Luke decided to be my sidekick Oogil the leaf man and he put grass in his hair to transform it was soooo cool. So now i have two cool new names The Blozzle and Oogil.
I just left a comment on another persons blog and it did the thing under the comment where you have to write a bunch of random letters that look a bit wobbly and the letters were xacty, as usual i read aloud the random wobbly words and this time it sounded like x-act-e which i think is ooosome and have decided to turn xacty into a word.
Xacty,pronounced x-act-e, I was going to make xacty mean the same as exactly but thats a bit boring so ive turned into a symonym for an apple.
While writing in a different blog i decided i needed to make up a new word instead of the wobbly letter things so here is the new word, Lomby
Lomby,pronounced Lom-by, Lomby is my word for the wobbly letter things under comments that you have to retype before you can leave a comment.
I was having difficulty thinking of the word lomby so i thought id look outside for inspiration. I went and stood on the deck and looked outside and the first thing i saw was my neighbours fence so i nearly called the word lomby fence instead of fence but i wanted the word to be catchy so other people will use it aswell so i decided to use a different name. In the end i just came back inside and looked at the keyboard for a couple of seconds scanning the keys and the word lomby just came to me.
Have A Good Easter
In science we have been studying how a leaf works (dont know how this will help us at all but hey) and apparently there is a thing called a phloem but i thought the word floom is better so i turned phloem into floom.
Floom, pronounced Fl-oo-m, Floom is just my word for the phloem but its better cause i made it up and Mrs Hoogle Squagen doesnt like it
Also usually i would put the date format at the top like this-7/7/07- but today i cant remember what month of the year april is so i just wrote april.
The other day i was thinking people use the word personal if something is, well you know what it means, and i thought as everybody is a person (except the seamus because he is his own special species) personal is a bit of a stupid word to use so i thought of a new word for me to replace personal, it is drewonal
Drewonal (origannaly spelt drewanal but thought i should change it), pronounced Drew-o-nal, Drewonal is my word for me to replace the word personal because i think personal is a bad word to use as everybody is a person (except the seamus).
My friends little brother who is two cant speak english quite properly yet and has two really awesome words which are:
Loppy, pronounced Lop-py, Loppy is his word for lollipop which is really cool
Wapug,pronoucned Wah-pug, Wapug is his word for wake up cause he cant say wake up, i really like this word so i use it as a good word to shout. WAGUP WAGUP WAGUP!!!!!!!!!
The Da Vinci Code

The book describes the attempts of Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University, to solve the murder of renowned curator Jacques Saunière of the Louvre Mueseum in Paris. The title of the novel refers, among other things, to the fact that Saunière's body is found in the Denon Wing of the Louvre naked and posed like Leonardo Da Vincis famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a Pentacle drawn on his stomach in his own blood.The interpretation of hidden messages in Leonardo's famous works, (which relate to the concept of the Sacred feminine) including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, figure prominently in the solution to the mystery.
I havent seen the movie but from what ive heard from others i tihnk that the book is better than the movie(I wrote this bit myself).
Ta Da my amazing book review.