Saturday, April 26, 2008

What I Want As A 14 Year Older

The other day i was thinking to myself i should write out a list of what i wanted as a 14 year older so i can look back when im older and remember.

What I Want As A 14 Year Older Is:

  • To be a chef when i get older
  • To invent a new type of food eg fish and chips or chinese
  • A nice piece of milk, preferably one starting with E - this is a drewonal one thats why it doesnt make sense, if you dont know what drewonal means check out my made up words
  • To be 15 so i can drive
  • To keep my friends forever
  • To expand/recreate my vocabulary

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Midnighters 1 The Secret Hour

Here is my book review about midnighters 1 the secret hour by scott westerfeld (i will actually write this one unlike my da vinci code review)

Not last week but the week before on thursday i started to read a book called midnighters 1 the secret hour and it was such a good book i finished it on saturday (it has 383 pages). Heres the blurb:

strange things happen at midnight in the town of Bixby, Oklahoma.
time freezes. nobody moves.

For one secret hour each night, the town belongs to the dark creatures that haunt the shadows. Only a small group of teenagers know about the secret hour-only they are free to move about the midnight time.
They call themselves Midnighters.
Then Jessica Day moves to town. . . and everything changes.

The background of the story is that in the town of Bixby in Oklahoma there is a secret hour that only a very few people that are born at the exact time of midnight can access and get special powers during it. The storyline of the book is about a girl called Jessica Day who just happens to have been born at midnight and moves to bixby then meets with four other people who were also born at midnight and they call themselves midnighters and her quest to find out her power and why she is being attacked by darklings. The other four are Rex who is able see midnight stuff that other people cant and he needs galsses in real time but not in the secret hour, Dez who is a polymath which is like a genius with math and words pretty much, Melissa who is a sort of physcic that can taste thoughts and cant touch anyone, and Jonathon who is an acrobat which means his body weight changes during the secret hour so it isnt affected by gravity but not enough that he floats into space.

I really realy enjoyed this book and highly recommend it and cant wait to get the next two in the series from the library.

Prefix Blog

Today in english our teacher said that we must make a blog entry, that makes sense, with the following words:
  • Subdivide
  • Subject
  • Submerge
  • Submission
  • Submissive
  • Subordinate
  • Subsequent
  • Substitute
  • Subversive
  • Subway
  • Transactionn
  • Transfigure
  • Transfuse
  • Transgress
  • Transient
  • Transitory
  • Translate
  • Transmigrate
  • Transmit
  • Transparent
  • Transpose
  • Transverse

And what do you know i have just done that

Saturday, April 12, 2008


In year 7 i learnt what a spoonersim is and i think they are awesome so i thought i would share what they are in a blog entry. My explanation: when you mix up letters of words in a sentence to make a new sentence but the words have to be real words so it turns into a different sentence.

Wikipedias explanation: A 'spoonerism' is a play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched (see metathesis). It is named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who was notoriously prone to this tendency.
While spoonerisms are commonly heard as slips of the tongue resulting from unintentionally getting one's words in a tangle, they are considered a form of pun when used purposely as a play on words.

Examples on Wikipedia:

"The Lord is a shoving leopard" ("loving shepherd")

"It is kisstomary to cuss the bride" ("customary to kiss")

"Mardon me, padam, this pie is occupewed. Can I sew you to another sheet?" (Pardon me, madam, this pew is occupied. Can I show you to another seat?")

To a student: "You have hissed all my mystery lectures, and were caught fighting a liar in the quad. Having tasted two worms, you will leave by the next town drain" ("missed ... history," "lighting a fire," "wasted two terms," "down train")

To a lady at a college reception: "You'll soon be had as a matter of course" ("mad as a Hatter, of course")

"Let us glaze our asses to the queer old Dean" ("Let us raise our glasses to the dear old queen")

"We'll have the hags flung out" ("flags hung")

"a half-warmed fish" ("half-formed wish")

"Is the bean dizzy?" ("dean busy")

"Go and shake a tower" ("take a shower")

"a well-boiled icicle" ("well-oiled bicycle")

This was also on wikipedia thought would be good to share:Spoonerisms in Dutch are made in the same manner as in English. Examples:

met vereende krachten ("with joined forces") → met verkrachte eenden ("with raped ducks")

tot de dood ons scheidt ("until death do us part") → tot de schijt ons doodt ("until the shit kills us")

ik heb het onderspit gedolven ("I suffered a defeat") → ik heb den Dolf ondergespit ("I have buried Adolf")

een beetje scheef ("a bit crooked") → een scheetje~ beef ("a fart-quiver")

Ta Da

My Baked Beans Recipe

Some people like baked beans and some people dont, i am one of the people that do.
I have liked baked beans for ages becuase they take a minute and a bit to cook and i like the taste so they are an awesome after school snack. I eat my baked beans differently to other people though, no not through a straw, with cheese. Last year i was getting bored with normal baked beans so i thought i would put cheese on top before i cooked it in the microwave and it tasted awesome and recently i got the idea of putting a bit of butter in it which worked really well because you cant traste the butter but it makes the tomato sauce much nicer, sort of creamier ish but without cream if that makes sense. Heres the recipe:

I get a tin of baked beans (usually watties) pour it into a bowl then add a dollop of butter then cover the top in cheese then put in microwave for a minute twenty.

Its very important to make sure the bowl is covered or the beans will explode.
Usually i cover my beans in cheese so that i cant see any sauce but if you want more or less thats up to you but if you add more microwave for longer so it all melts.
You could also do this with something like the tinned spaghetti or something


People Say Blogging Is Hard

People have been saying blogging is hard and i dont understand this because i find this extremely easy. For me blogging is so easy, if i can find a good topic i could write about for ages i could probably write about my oppinion of a stapler or something if i had to.

You dont have to write something personal like the seamus (yes 'the' seamus, i refer to him as a seperate species not a person) and his thoughts about love but you could easily write about your thoghts about something else like a sport or a colour or something. Or you could do something really cheap like moobs has done and copyed and pasted something into a blog and left tiny comments about it.

You could also do something easy like a recipe or book/movie review etc

Its really not hard to write a blog instead of thinking of it as homework think of it as diary just less personal, and you have to watch out for stalkers.


I have been sitting here at my computer staring at an empty new post box trying to think of something to write about for about twenty minutes and i have only just thought i should write about the fact that i cant think of anything to write about. By this i dont mean writing a blog like this: I cant think of anything to write about so im just going to write a bunch of words like this to fill in the space etc. I mean im going to write about the fact i find it really hard to think about something to write.

I sit down to write something like an essay or blog entry and i just cant think of anything properly for ages and then all of a sudden i get one really good idea and i can just sit and write/type about that one thing forever but unless i get that one idea i wont be able to write anything. The thing is when get this idea i have already thought of a paragraph about it by the next time i blink.

My Awesome Yesterday

Yesterday was definetly one of the best days ive ever had.
It started of like a normal saturday, wakeing up at 7 30 to go to archery. As usual i slept in and it was actuall 7 53 and my dad was already ready to go so i had 3 minutes to get ready before we left. We got into the car and started to go to the north shore archery club where i do archery every saturday morning and have been doing for about 2 years now. t usually takes about an hour to get there but i dont mind as i can just zone out to my music in the backseat of the car and stare out the window.

After about an hour i arrive at the archery club did the archery stuff then got pickep up by my mate and we went to the movies and saw the spiderwick chronicles which was a really really cool movie but its the sorta thing that i would like and you probably wouldnt.

After the movie my mate dropped me off home again at about 4 30 and then when i got home my dad was asleep so i played with the lego with my little sister for awhile and i made a really awesome aeroplane, it has wings. When dad woke up at about 6 ish he asked if we wanted to go for a swim at waiwera and we both said yes so we grapped our toggs and went to waiwera. It was my sisiters first time so she was really excited and went into every pool within 5 minutes then we swum around in the big pool for awhile then we went on the slides and she thought they are so cool.

We left waiwera at about 7 30 ish and we got fish and chips on the way home which was awesome. After dinner i was really tired so i went to bed and watched tv for awhile then slept and had a awesome dream about walking, yes walking.

That was my awesome yesterday

Monday, April 7, 2008

Teh Zoo

Today we went to the zoo. I saw some animals. I got bit by a meercat. I waited for my mum. I went to the doctors. I got stabbed in the arm with a needle.

This was my trip to the zoo